
Developed a captivating horror story series by combining real-life incidents, garnering:

  • 5,000+ reactions
  • 600,000+ reach

Key Achievements:

  1. Created engaging narrative, leveraging social media platforms.
  2. Successfully expanded story into 4-part series, introducing world-building concept.
  3. Built loyal reader base, fostering enthusiasm for future developments.

Strategy and Innovation:

  1. Utilized social listening to identify popular horror themes.
  2. Applied storytelling techniques to craft compelling, shareable content.
  3. Introduced world-building concept, laying groundwork for franchise potential.

Scaling Possibilities:

  1. Novel or book series expansion.
  2. Cinematic universe development.
  3. Merchandising and licensing opportunities.
  4. Transmedia storytelling (video games, podcasts, etc.).

“I’m just a technology enthusiast with a passion of making things out of my imagination which tends to make day-to-day life easier.”

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